MXyouth Resources





Mental Health - "my friend is struggling with..." A Resource for Faith through Mental Illness

Baptism - "Introduction to Baptism" A Baptism Study Resource




Now That I'm a Christian (C. Michael Patton)

This book is great for a new Christian, someone who has just been baptized, or for Christians who need to get back to the basics. Great, shorter read (10 chapters/176 pages), that covers the foundational pieces of what it means to be a Christian.

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity (Rebecca McLaughlin)

This book is a great read for any young Christians who may be moving into the "asking questions" phase of their faith. We want to equip our teens with as much knowledge from the faith about their questions before they graduate and start to receive answers from the secular world about their questions. Another shorter read (10 chapters).


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